I wonder if they are making a substantial financial contribution to the Association. You know, follow the money and all that.

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Disgraceful and cowardly. What are the next steps?

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The higher the salary, the more exalted the status that comes with a role or job title then one thing I’ve noticed is that the more committed they are to not earning their money and the more terrified they are of making decisions. But they sure as hell will wave their status flag as vigorously as possible if any of the plebs dare question them

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I assume that if Trump wins again a lot of institutions will decide to adapt and assimilate - some out of inclination, some because of pressure from a newt Orbanesque state.

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A Newt Orbanesque state. 🤔

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Freudian typo.

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Save the Newts!

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Infuriating! What are they doing?

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Claremont Institute should be hounded out of polite society. Even before the 2020 election they were opining that a majority of voters are not even “real” Americans, and their Constitutional Sheriff nonsense is an implicit rejection of democracy at even the state level.

They have no more business being at APSA than the John Birch Society.

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Truly disappointing.

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I appreciate you writing about this. APSA belongs to you, not them. What do your fellow members say? Can you all pressure these cowards?

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THIS If it was intentional, then the leadership should have the courage to defend their decision. If it was an administrative oversight, then the leadership should explain how they will ensure it doesn’t happen again.

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Claremont is back for the same reason Trump stole someone else’s seat at that benefit all those years ago - absolutely no shame and the only way to stop him/them is by causing a nasty scene. People like Trump and Claremont know this and take full advantage of it.


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Can you give us advice on how to make our concerns about this made more manifest to the APSA?

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This is disturbing and leaves me wondering about my membership in the APSA. After 40 years, that matters to me a great deal. What is holding up the APSA here is THE mystery.

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What kind of salary are these APSA leaders on for doing this job?

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve moved up the ladder in my professional life is that the higher the title and therefore the salary, that these jobs where you’re not being paid for volume of work but for taking on responsibility and making the tough calls, seem to attract people who are quite happy to take the salary and revel in the status but do everything they can to avoid taking responsibility and they really resent being asked to do their actual job

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When I see things like this, I start looking for where the oligarch's checkbook has been laid to tilt the playing field. We're legit gonna keep doing stuff like this until we're having a civil war in the midst of climate change driven environmental collapse. It's a shame there isn't something like The 65 Project in this area. Someone should ask them if dealing with this would be within the bounds of their mission.

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