Bluesky might be great if the walls ever come down. But it sure is annoying to keep hearing "Bluesky is great" while being deemed unready or unworthy of entrance. I'll stick to Mastodon with the rest of the regular folk.

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I left Twitter the day he became the owner. It was HARD but it was good because now, I don't miss it at all.

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Very well explained, thank you. But.... I view ethical people who still have Twitter accounts with the same sadness and confusion I feel for a physically abused spouse who simply can't leave the abuser - yet. There are reasons to stick with an abusive bully, which a person not in the situation can't fully judge or comprehend, I realize. I have heard that it is especially burdensome for writers/journalists to make it without Twitter. But it is hard watch anyone choose to be a victim, justifying one abusive incident after another while promising to leave "when it gets worse". How to justify lending one's name to someone who says things like childless people have no stake in the future, or who promulgates ugly rumors about an elderly man being beat up (Pelosi's husband), to name only a couple of the most offensive noises he has made?

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I still miss some of the people.

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Finding Post a great place to be and a relief from the hell site. Mastodon and Spoutible just didn't cut it for me.

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This essay and the comments below it read like the transcript of a group therapy session at a rehab clinic.

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This essay and the comments below it read like the transcript of a group therapy session at a rehab clinic.

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I've lived without Twitter for years and I hope they go out of business soon.

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Given that so many remain addicted to Twitter, I'm fairly certain they'll accept any indignity that Musk hurls at them. It's a bizarre window into human psychology.

As to regulatory bodies, I have even less confidence. Perhaps the EU will take action, but I doubt the US will do anything. Musk has stiffed contractors and landlords, undermined US foreign policy, and violated a Consent Decree, but NASA 'needs' SpaceX, so it's pretty much a get-out-of-jail card for Musk.

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