I love the idea, but not the hashtag. Something a little less oblique might gain greater traction (#BlockBlue or something).

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Excellent idea which I'll try out. Possible barrier: I never look at the "For You" tab.

I've done a similar thing for months now in relation to ads. I hate ads. All ads. As soon as I notice an ad in my Twitter feed I block the advertiser. I have no idea if there's any cause and effect going on but I'm seeing extremely few ads. On Chrome and on Android. Almost zero.

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love it. but i agree with jeff a, # needs work. i think #BlockBlue is the right kind of catchy. btw, not to get all conspiratorial, but are there any credible theories on why muskrat "really" bought twitter? Saudi $? is elmo just trying to be the most famous yet inept troll online? Or is there a greater political project here?

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Follow the work of investigative tech journo Dave Troy - he seems to have some joined up ideas of what's going on



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Thanks. I'm a bit skeptical about Mr. Troy's qualifications and insights into our modern tech world and it's political economic ramifications. I could be totally off the mark here, but he seems to self-promote his bonafides more than others do. His association with TEDx is also another red flag for me. Troy's argument that Musk is bent on devaluing the dollar with his cohorts in Saudi Arabia and Putin and Thiel seem a bit overcooked. Anyone else you've read with takes on Musk's disastrous take over of Twitter?

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Very happy I only set my account to private and didn’t outright delete it.

I’m 100% in! How about #CheckNix? Like Chex mix. Get it? 😺

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Oh, this is delightful. I might have a bit of a head start, as I'm using Block Together to suppress nearly 400k paid-fors (although that may fail when blue checks can be hidden). You've made me actually look forward to using Twitter!

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I like the way you think.

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I knew there was a compelling reason to stay on Twitter!

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So I understand that your strategy is to heap derision and abuse on "blue checks," a class of Twitter users you don't respect and would prefer removed from the platform?

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Kevin, you *know* how I feel about irony and subtlety.

As the great Lucille Bluth once said, “I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.”

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