I love the idea, but not the hashtag. Something a little less oblique might gain greater traction (#BlockBlue or something).

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Excellent idea which I'll try out. Possible barrier: I never look at the "For You" tab.

I've done a similar thing for months now in relation to ads. I hate ads. All ads. As soon as I notice an ad in my Twitter feed I block the advertiser. I have no idea if there's any cause and effect going on but I'm seeing extremely few ads. On Chrome and on Android. Almost zero.

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love it. but i agree with jeff a, # needs work. i think #BlockBlue is the right kind of catchy. btw, not to get all conspiratorial, but are there any credible theories on why muskrat "really" bought twitter? Saudi $? is elmo just trying to be the most famous yet inept troll online? Or is there a greater political project here?

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Very happy I only set my account to private and didn’t outright delete it.

I’m 100% in! How about #CheckNix? Like Chex mix. Get it? 😺

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Oh, this is delightful. I might have a bit of a head start, as I'm using Block Together to suppress nearly 400k paid-fors (although that may fail when blue checks can be hidden). You've made me actually look forward to using Twitter!

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I like the way you think.

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I knew there was a compelling reason to stay on Twitter!

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So I understand that your strategy is to heap derision and abuse on "blue checks," a class of Twitter users you don't respect and would prefer removed from the platform?

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