Apr 21Liked by Dave Karpf

Thank you for saying what needs to be said about this debacle. It's really astonishing that the court had so little interest in protecting freedom of speech. Another social fact: The Gibsons are a prominent family in town who enjoy a favorable relationship with the authorities. That's why the plea deal of the alleged shoplifter should be taken with a large grain of salt -- doubtless, it was the lesser of evils he faced in a system where he wasn't likely to be believed. There's even bodycam footage of a cop at the scene telling Gibson they would take his word over that of students. "We're not going off of what they (the student witnesses) are saying." https://youtu.be/M7n8f8sLTDE?si=ZbMeEGf12V2Ptz8L&t=902

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Dave Karpf

As an Oberlin alum ten years your senior, that social fact circulated back in the late-80s too.

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Can confirm. Whether it was true/fair or not, I'm in no position to say, but it appeared to be widely believed.

P.S. Hi Jason - long time no see!

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Poor liberals boo hoo

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"The student had swiped two bottles of wine and tried to pay for a third with a fake ID."

Aggressors and transgressors treated like victims...good lord. The POS kids were clearly in the wrong and yet they drummed up a crusade against a family run business. So happy they got justice in the end.

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... actual free speech crusaders ought to be outraged by...

I think I see your problem.

Oh, and FYI on Oct 16 2021 Bari Weiss was awarded the Daniel Pearl Award For Courage and Integrity in Journalism by the Los Angeles Press Club in their Southern California Journalism Awards (a "vaccinated only" event). The full page add in The Hollywood Reporter print version has the hashtag #NotTheEnemy. Bari Weiss ain't shutting up anytime soon. This con has legs.

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It's such an effective grift. Thanks, I hate it.

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