Biden's superpower is that he truly has no fucks left to give. After a long, long, fight he has achieved his life's goal, and knows this is his last rodeo, whether he runs in 2024 or not. He is a Bizzaro Trump in a way, in that the limits and constraints pounded into professional politicians through decades of begging for money and votes no longer apply to him, just as they have never applied to Trump. He's looking at tactics to build a coalition without worrying about which donors or interest groups he's going to piss off. It's like living in a Frank Capra movie.

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I'm sure that you have a year's worth of article topics, but I've yet to find anyone that will tackle the concept of how the US would look under 1-party (GOP, theocratic) control. People toss around words: post-democracy, post-truth, fascist, but how will people's daily lives be impacted? I honestly think that most people are either in denial or believe (wrongly) that they won't be impacted. People should be prepared for what's in store. I hope you'll consider tackling this potential future.

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I'll put it on the writing list. Probably gonna be folded into post-November reactions, I would guess.

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Thank you.

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My opinion is worth nothing, but I've been chewing on this question for a while now, because I'm convinced the Grand Old Party is psyching itself up to throw out state votes and Electoral College slates at the first opportunity to install their candidates (step 1 for that theocratic rule) and I think no one has a clue what will happen next. There's no geographic center or focus for this movement, exurbs and rural communities scattered throughout the country are the voting base for this. There will be widespread protest, and some Special Forces cosplayer militias may decide they finally "get to use their guns", but that will be local bloodshed, because those idiots couldn't organize a pissup in a brewery, as Elton John once said of the French.

The few things I think are pretty certain are that the Democratic Party will fight this tooth and nail in court, because it's a death sentence for them, and the Armed Forces are going to want to stay as far away from this as possible, which in the case of the Presidency may be difficult. They swore an oath to the Constitution, not to any party, branch of government, or ideology, and they take that shit real serious. Like the media, they will want to pretend that This Is Fine. How governors react, what the various National Guards decide to do if they are ordered to fire on militias, cops, and Real Americans trying to save Real America by invalidating the popular vote, all that and more is anybody guess.

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I appreciate your perspective. Thus far, Anericans have shown an unwillingness for sustained protests, perhaps that will change. I worry about the GOP agenda, which is already being rammed through via Scotus, even while the GOP is a minority in Congress. NY can't prohibit guns in daycare or the subway. Abortion rights are disappearing throughout the country. If the GOP wins next month, they'll privatize education, SS, Medicare, ban all abortions, contraception, gay marriage, the EPA, worker's rights, aid to Ukraine. Slashing taxes for the wealthy, limiting access to higher education, rolling back lower prescription prices...the list of dystopian horrors is endless. None of this is hyperbolic, this is Rick Scott's agenda.

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Protest is a blunt instrument that by itself doesn't effect much change in a system, but sustained protest is usually a precursor to some messy action, so sustained protest means batten down your hatches, wherever you are. As my comments suggest, while I share your worries about how much damage the GOP will do in power, that pales next to the damage done by invalidating a legal election based on fantasy which they are signaling as loud as they can is their intention, Trump or no Trump. That is firing on Ft. Sumter, and like I said no one knows what happens next, after at least half the country and most of the rest of the world says oh hell to the no.

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